Life skills coaching
It took me over 65 years to figure out what life is about and how to live each day for the most joy. I finally realized that LIFE’s instruction manual revealed itself to me in the events of each day. Sharing my insights with my grandchildren in a series of letters evolved into my books and life skills coaching for the benefit of all ages.
Basic principles for playing the Game of Life noting the similarities to a game of baseball in this 90-page pocketbook.
Once you learn the basics of playing any game, your skills increase with practice. This 80-page pocketbook details 30 Hacks or skill-building routines.
Novel about an 80-year-old ex-Jesuit twice-married grandfather who writes letters to his posterity on the Game of Life.
Life coaching sessions can be in person in Rancho Palso Verdes or via phone or ZOOM.
Email inquiries to duncantooley @